Episode 1491: Nearly 1500 years later
The year was 2011 A.D. and you were now 1446 years old. You have seen more than you could have possibly imagined. You have fallen in love, made friends, fought in wars and killed thousands of people, while never aging a day and constantly being cursed with a desire for blood. All because you agreed to the offer made by your sire James, making you this creature of the night.You are walking down a street in Boston, late at night and minding your own business, when you hear it. The sound of pain down an alleyway. Interested, you walk down the alleyway and quickly find the source of the noise: there is a werewolf being attacked by three vampires. Due to your age and the things you have done, there are few vampires who haven't heard of you and even fewer who aren't terrified of you. As you look at the bleeding werewolf, looking just as scared as the many werewolves you have ended up killing in the past, you find yourself wondering if you should help him. You shake your head, trying to rid yourself of the stupid idea and do the normal thing, which is help the vampires attack the lycanthrope. But it persists, forcing you to choose between helping or attacking the werewolf.