
Ana is about three feet high, with silky white hair covering its monkey-like body completely. The tiny hands are human in shape and hairless, but its feet are much like a cat's paws. From either side of the small round head branchs large fan-shaped ears. The face is furred and boasts stiff cat whiskers on the upper lip. The Ana has the ability to see in complete darkness.
These Anas are happy little creatures, each one choosing some mistress or master among the Folks. They are content to follow their big protector, speechless with delight at trifling gifts. Loyal and brave, they could do simple tasks or carry written messages for their chosen friend, and they remained with him until death. They are neither beast nor human, but rumored to be the result of some experiment carried out eons ago by the Ancient Ones.
Profile Toughness: 1D6 DP |
A bear is a large mammal that lives in the forest. |
Profile Actions: 1 per turn Toughness: 5D6 DP Bite Action: 1 Damage: 1D6 DP Claw Action: 1 Damage: 1D6 DP |

Cave dweller are still in abundance in the realm. However, they keep mostly to the caves, therefore haven't advanced with the rest of the world. These cave dwellers have very rudimentary communication technique that works for the dwellers of the same cave. Tribes in different caves have no means of communication.
The cave dweller have the basic technology of fire and can cook meat to a delicious taste. With their uncivilized society, any moving animal (that includes you) could be a course of the next feast. The stone axe is the cave dwellers' favorite tool and weapon of choice.
Due to their home being in the caves, they have a very acute sense in the dark. In caves, cave dwellers gets a +2 bonus to strike and dodge.
Profile Action: 2 per turn Toughness: 3D6 DP |

A centaur is a creature that is half human and half horse. It resembles the human down to the waist, where the horse body begins. Overall, it's about twice as tall as an average human. The centaur is as intelligent as a human and as fast as a horse.
Centaur's character attribute is the same as humans, except it's speed attribute is the same as a horse. A centaur could be a playing character.
Speed Walk: 6.4 km/h (4 mph) Jog: 13 to 19 km/h (8.1 to 12 mph) Lope: 19 to 24 km/h (12 to 15 mph) Gallop: 40 to 48 km/h (25 to 30 mph) |
A cougar is a ferocious cat mammal that lives in the forest.
Profile Actions: 4 per turn Toughness: 4D4 DP Bite Actions: 2 Damage: 1D6 DP Claw Action: 1 Damage: 1D10 DP |
This hooded mystical creature has the ability to suck away life force by touch. As soon as Death sucks all of the life force from a creature, it disappears. Death can't be damaged nor killed by mortal weapons.
Dragon are like huge lizards. They are larger than elephants, with long fangs and claws. Some of them have twin horns of varying length on their head. Dragons have large bat-like wings giving them the ability of flight.

Most dragons are covered in scales, although there are some with a leathery skin. Coloring ranges the entire gamut of the spectrum. Red, green, black and gold appear to be the most common. Dragons are magical creatures in nature and have the ability to breathe fire and fireballs. Some dragons have the ability to breath frost, lightning, or gas.
Up to the GM's discretion, the dragon can be intelligent and can speak a language. A dragon may also be a playing character.
Profile Actions: 3 per turn Toughness: 8D4 DP per level Breath Fire Actions: 3 Damage: 2D10 SdaDP Range: 50 yards Breath Frost Actions: 3 Damage: Freezes foe for 2D20 hours. Range: 30 feet Breath Lightning Actions: 3 Damage: 2D12 DP Range: 100 yards Breath Poisonious Gas Actions: 3 Damage: 1D4 per hour. Range: 20 feet Claw Action: 1 Damage: 1D20 DP |
Eron are squirrel-like creatures that lived underground and carried on a crude agriculture in small clearings. The come shyly twice a year to exchange grain for a liquid rubber produced by the Folks.
Profile Toughness: 1D4 DP |

Folk stands about five feet tall, and walks upon its hind legs in human fashion, but the legs are short and stumpy, ending in feet with five toes of equal length. Slender, shapely arms possesss small hands with only four digits. The creature has a high, well-rounded forehead but no chin, the face being distinctly lizard-like in contour. Golden eyes reveals their inner soul much like the human eyes do. The skin is a dull black, with a velvety surface. The Folk head is bold.
Most Folks, such as the chieftain, wear short kilt of metallic cloth about its loins, the garment being supported by a jeweled belt of exquisite workmanship. The Folk medics are robed down to the toes. The black forms of the matrons and maidens are veiled in robes of silver net, each cross strand of which was set with a tiny gem, so that they appear to be wrapped in glittering scales.
Highly civilized were the Folks. They lived in the depth of caverns. They did no work by hand, except the finer kinds of jewel setting and carving. Machines wove their metal cloth, machines prepared their food, harvested their fields, hollowed out new dwellings.
Freed from manual labor they had turned to acquiring knowledge. The non-roaming tribes own vast laboratories and great libraries of scientific lore. But all they knew in the beginning, they had learned from the Ancient Ones. The Folks are the result of constant forced evolution and experimentation carried on by these Ancient Ones.
Profile Actions: 4 per turn Toughness: 1D8 DP per level |
Ghost of Despair

The ghosts of despair have completely lost their souls, leaving them with an empty desire for souls even more. Unfortunately for these spirits, they will never connect with a soul ever again. Whenever Ghost of Despair sees a living creature, it will attempt to touch the creature in an attempt to "connect" with the creature's soul. Upon touching the creature, the spirit will be absorbed into the lifeforce of the creature, at the same time, causing 1D6 DP of damage to the creature. It is not possible to destroy Ghost of Despair with any mortal weapon.
The Gibi is a yellow and black insect, as large as a hawk. Its swollen body is jet black, its curving legs, three to a side, chrome yellow. The round head ends in a sharp beak and it has large, many-faceted eyes. The wings are black and glitters with gold.
The monstrous bee is friendly to the Folk people. It supplied the cavern dwellers with wax, and in return the Folks gave the Gibi colonies shelter during the unhealthful times of the Great Mists.
Profile Toughness: 1D10 DP |

Goblins are a different, more grotesque variety of gnomes. They are known to be playful, but at other time they are evil and their tricks could seriously harm people. They pester humans in small ways, such as hiding small objects, tipping over pails of milk and altering signposts. They have no homes and usually live in mossy clefts in rocks and under roots of ancient trees. Their tribes do not stay in one place for very long.
Profile Actions: 6 per turn Toughness: 1D6 DP per level |
A horse is a hooved mammal that is docile in nature. Intelligent beings train them and ride them to travel long distances.
Profile Toughness: 4D4 DP Speed Walk: 6.4 km/h (4 mph) Jog: 13 to 19 km/h (8.1 to 12 mph) Lope: 19 to 24 km/h (12 to 15 mph) Gallop: 40 to 48 km/h (25 to 30 mph) |
Hydra is a water beast with multiple heads. It is possible to cut off a head. But only cutting off one of the heads is a fatal blow to the hydra. Cutting off any other head, causes two more to grow. The GM should number the head and randomly determine the vulnerable head beforehand. It's possible to cut off the head with a 10 DP blow.
The hydra's blood is poisonous. When consumed, it acts similar to drinking the Fast-Acting Poison Potion. Come in contact with the poisonous blood or getting hit by the hydra's poisonous breath is similar to drinking the Slow-Acting Poison Potion.
Profile Actions: 3 per turn Heads: 1D8 + 2 Toughness: 8D4 DP Breath Poisonious Gas Actions: 3 Damage: 1D10 per hour. Range: 20 feet Claw Action: 1 Damage: 1D12 DP |
Being the king of the forest, the lion sits fairly high on the food chain.
Profile Actions: 3 per turn Toughness: 6D4 DP Bite Actions: 2 Damage: 1D10 DP Claw Action: 1 Damage: 1D6 DP |
Creatures which might have been conceived by demons. They are sleek, rat-like creatures, hairless, and large as ponies. Red saliva drips from the corners of their sharp jaws. But in the eyes, there is intelligence. And the eyes provide a clear vision in complete darkness. The Morgels are watchdogs, servents, and slaves of the Black Ones.
Profile Action: 5 per turn Toughness: 3D8 DP Bite Action: 1 Damage: 1D10 DP Claw Action: 1 Damage: 1D4 DP |
Ogres are large and mean. They have a humanoid form, but have a super-size head, abundant hair, a strong body, and a huge body. They usually feed on human beings. Orges live in caves in forests. They will come out and hunt for human in packs. Ogres are generally dumb. But they do come up with clever plans to prey on the humans.
Profile Actions: 6 per turn Strength: 6d6 Toughness: 4D6 DP per level |

Orcs are a race of warmongering humanoid monsters. They are brutal, sadistic, and quite disfigured by human standards. They are very warrior like and are always waging war with other races. Although cowardly at time, they raise strength through numberes and are very good at organizing themselves for combat.
Profile Actions: 6 per turn Toughness: 5D4 DP per level |
All pythons are constrictors (which means they squeeze), and are not known to be venemous snakes. They squeeze their prey to suffocate them and eat them. They make their homes in caves and trees to stay warm. All pythons lay eggs, and they coil their bodies around them to keep them warm and protected until they hatch. Pythons live as long as 20-30 years. Pythons usually grow to be about 6 meters (20 feet) or more.
Profile Actions: 2 per turn Toughness: 2D4 DP per level Bite Action: 1 Damage: 1D4 DP Entangle Actions: 2 |
A toxic venomous snake with a loud rattling tail.
Profile Actions: 2 per turn Toughness: 1D4 DP Bite Action: 1 Damage: 1D4 DP per hour |
Skeletons are reanimated human bones. They are devoid of consciousness, except an uncontrollable desire to attack other living creatures. Skeletons can use all human weapons. They tend to grab whatever tools that are available at the graveyard, where they are reanimated, to use as weapons. Necromancers are the ones that usually bring these undead creatures alive to do their bidding or for some other unexplained rituals.
Profile Actions: 3 per turn Toughness: 1D8 DP Per Level Claw Action: 1 Damage: 1D6 DP |

Swamp Demon
The lights that wink across the sodden moor Like phosphorescent eyes that beckon men To risk fell footsteps in the treacherous fen, And sink in loathsome muck, without a spoor— What ghosts of former days, what dread allure, Abides within this subterranean den? Or, reaching out, snares victims to its ken, With wraith-like fingers, to a peril sure? 'Tis told that evil things lurk out of sight With human bones that fester in the ooze; Belike 'tis true, these bones that once were clothed In fleshly form now harbor deadly spite Against the living, and this swamp still brews Within its bubbling depths the curse men loathed Before they turned to leprous Things of Night!
The beast of burden for the Folks. They are strong and could shoulder heavy goods. They might have been small elephants, except that they lacked trunks and possessed four tusks.
Profile Toughness: 7D8 DP |
An agile cat-like mammal that lives in the forest.
Profile Actions: 4 per turn Toughness: 5D4 DP Bite Actions: 2 Damage: 1D8 DP Claw Action: 1 Damage: 1D6 DP |
Trolls are humanoid monsters that have brutish and ugly features, like oversized nose, oversized ears, and long hairy arms. Many trolls are slightly larger than the largest human. Some folks refer to their size as giants. But sometimes they are just normal human sizes. Trolls typically lives underground in hills, caves, and mounds. Sometimes they will hide out under bridges in civilized territories. They typically farm, raise cattle, and raise a home like the humans. Trolls likes to keep themselve invisible from humans. Sometimes they'll sneak into town or human homes for food or valuables.
Most trolls don't groom themselves and keep their hair in an utter disarray. However, some smaller trolls tend to dress and act like humans, so as to "blend-in". It is always possible to distinguish a troll from a human by the tail. Some say that if you see an elegantly dressed woman roaming in the forest, she'd be a troll trying to attract a human to do her bidding. The male trolls tend to have lower average intellect, where as the female trolls tend to be quite cunning.

Profile Actions: 6 per turn Toughness: 3D8 DP per level |
The unicorn is a slender, white horse with a spiralling horn on its forehead. The horn itself is white at the base, black in the middle and with a sharp, red tip. It possesses healing abilities. Dust filed from the horn is protection against poison, and other diseases. It could even resurrect the dead. Some unicorns are wild and untamable, others are peaceful and meek.

Profile Actions: 4 per turn Toughness: 1D30 DP per level Charge with Horn Actions: 2 Damage: 1D20 DP |
Vampires are undead creatures of the night. Unlike many other undead creatures, vampires are extremely intelligent. They have many similar traits to living human beings. In fact, they live much like humans and enjoy human luxuries.
The difference? Vampires feeds on the blood of living beings; draining the victim dry. Although Vampires can feed on animal blood. They enjoy and rejuvinate quickest on human blood. When a human victim has been bitten and sucked dry by a vampire, the victim will surely turn into a vampire. The transformation takes up to 1d100 hours.

Vampires have the supernatural ability to transform into vampire bats. It takes about 10 seconds for this transformation to occur. In bat form, the vampire has the ability to bite a victim, but not enough stomach space to suck them dry. Vampires also sleeps during the day, because they can't be exposed to sunlight. And unlike many living folks, they can't stand the smell of garlic. They have no reflection in mirrors, nor do they cast shadows. The best way to keep vampires out of your home is to never invite them in. Once they've been invited into your home, they can come and go as they please.
It is difficult to kill vampires; they are already dead. The don't feel pain nor do they die from physical injuries. To kill their persistently, you have to do it in one of the following ways: decapitate their heads, driving a stake through their hearts, incinerate them, or expose them to sunlight.
Profile Actions: 6 per turn Toughness: 1D12 hDP per level Fang Actions: 6 Damage: 2D6 DP |
Werewolf is a person who is transformed, or who transforms, into a wolf under the influence of a full moon. Unlike a regular wolf, werewolf has the ability to stand up right like a human and becomes exceptionally strong. They loose their human instinct as the wolf instinct takes over. Werewolf is only active on a full moon night and during that period, it devours infants and human corpses. As werewolves, they can be killed by silver objects such as silver arrows. When a werewolf dies it assumes its human form again.
Profile Actions: 6 per turn Toughness: 1D20 DP per level Claw Action: 1 Damage: 1D6 ShDP |
Winged Skeleton
Winged skeletons are creatures that are similar to skeletons without wings. However, they are not reanimated human bones. Instead, they are reanimated fallen angels. Because of their inherited magical powers, they can still fly with boned wings.
Profile Actions: 3 per turn Toughness: 1D8 DP Per Level Claw Action: 1 Damage: 1D6 DP |
Wraith is a tall, humanoid ghost sprite, created from vengeful souls. Most Wraith are hunger for revenge. Those who already achieve vengence against their victim become tangled in their featureless being. They tend to destory everything in their path. Wraith shrouds in black cloak, with no face to be seen. When combating against mortal souls, they favor a long sword. Although their shrouds can be sliced and cut, their spritical presence is immuned to physical weapons. Only magical attacks have any effect on a Wraith.
Profile Actions: 2 per turn Toughness: 1D10 DP per level |
Zombies are reanimated human bodies. They are devoid of consciousness, except an uncontrollable desire to eat human flesh and human brains. Zombies are created from corpses by necromancers to do their bidding or for some other unexplained rituals.
Profile Actions: 2 per turn Toughness: 1D10 DP Per Level Bite Actions: 2 Damage: 1D10 DP Claw Action: 1 Damage: 1D4 DP |