
Back to Life
Brings an undead creature back to life and gives it one hit point as a welcome back gift. Range: Touch. Spell Points: 50. Target: one undead creature.
Command Undead
If this spell is successfully casted on an undead creature, the undead creature falls under the command of the necromancer. When an undead creature is under the command of this spell, the necromancer can command it verbally to perform tasks. The undead creature will be able to go off on its own and it will attempt to perform the task as verbally commanded.
Caster's necromancer level is the number of undead creature the necromancer can command at any one time. Range: 50 feet (to give verbal command). Spell Points: 5.
Control Undead
If this spell is successfully casted on an undead creature, the undead creature will do everything exactly as the necromancer intends. Every minute motion, such as moving the fingertips will b under the necromancer's control. However, the necromancer must concentrate on controlling the undead creature, thus, not doing anything else. If the necromancer loses concentration, the undead creature will simply stand still. The necromancer can only control one undead creature at any one time. Range: 50 feet. Spell Points: 5. Target: 1 undead creature.
Death Curse
A savage spell left over from the bad old days, designed to punch the ticket of someone you hate. Causes up to 18 points of damage to the target. Effect: 3d6 points of damage. Range: 40 feet. Spell Points: 15. Target: 1 foe.
Using the spirits, a necromancer could cast this spell to give another person bad luck. The victim must be touched right after the spell is cast (within 10 seconds) or else the necromancer himself will receive the bad luck. Once cast, the victim or the caster's luck attribute will be lowered to a 3 for a duration of 1D10 minutes.
Requires two spell points to cast. Addition spell points can be used to increase the duration; one point per minute. Spell points must be declared while casting and before 1D10 is rolled or else the amount of minutes may not be increased.
Raise Dead
This spell allows the necromancer to raise an undead creature from its grave. It must be performed at a place with a dead corpse. The undead creature will attack any nearby characters, including the caster, on the next turn. Corpse that has fully-decomposed is raised as a skeleton. Corpse that is partially-decomposed is raised as a zombie. Range: Touch. Spell Points: 5.
Raise Mass Dead
This spell is same as the Raise Dead spell, except it allow undead creatures to be raised at a graveyard. The undead creatures will attack any nearby characters, including the caster, on the next turn. Corpses that have fully-decomposed are raised as skeletons. Corpses that are partially-decomposed are raised as zombies. Range: Entire Grave Yard. Target: 2D10 dead corpses. Spell Points: 20.
Steal Life Force
This spell allows the necromancer to consume target character life force for him/herself. Before casting the spell, the necromancer must declare how many spell points to use in additional to the base spell points required by this spell. The additional spell points determine how many damage is done to the foe. The same damage amount is gained by the necromancer as health. Base Spell Points: 15. Range: Touch. Target: 1 foe.
Summon Spirit
The summon spirit spell simply calls all the spirits in a radius of twenty feet to the caster's attention. There is no duration, but the spirits must be released before this spell could be cast again. If not released, the spirits will follow the caster. Roll 1D10 for number of spirits. Requires two spell points to summon, one spell point to free. Area: 20 feet radius. Spell Points: 2 to summon; 1 to release. Target 1D10 spirits.
Summon Undead
This spell allow the caster to summon all the undead creature in an area. Roll 1D6, for each necromancer level, on the following chart for the type of undead creature. Area: 1 kilometer radius. Spell Points: 40. Target: 1D4 undead creatures per level.
1 - 3 Skeletons 4 - 6 Zombies
Talk to Spirit
This spell allows the caster to talk to any spirit summoned by the Summon Spirit spell. The first question asked required two points while each additional question requires one. Amount of spell points to use must be declared before the spell is cast. Area: 20 feet radius. Spell Points: varies based on description. Target: 1 spirit.
Talk to Undead
This magical spell is the same as the "Talk to Spirit" spell, except this allows the character to talk to undead creatures, rather than spirits. The first question asked required two points while each additional question requires one. Area: 20 feet radius. Spell Points: varies based on description. Target: 1 undead creature.