Cyno's Role-Play: Scenarios: Silent Kingdom

Hagen Ash

This gentleman has an air of sneakiness about him. His form is very lean. he has neck-length, thin, wavy, snow white hair. His eyes are crimson and twinkle oddly. Hagen Ash is a subtle, quiet, non-player character. At fifty years old, he is an expereienced adventurer, possessing two professions--wizard and rogue--and many skills.

Hagen accidentally learned about this quest when he befriended Chester's messenger, read the letter, and killed the messenger. He then assumed the messenger's place and met the player characters.

His goal is to acquire the Gensu seeds for himself.

Age:       50
Education: 5 years
Gender:    Male
Height:    5'9"
Race:      Human
Weight:    185 lbs.

Actions:         4
Damage Points:  57
Power Points:  315
Beauty:       10
Charisma:      8
Coordination: 12
Endurance:     9
Health:        8
Intelligence: 16
Luck:          5
Reflex:        8
Power:         9
Speed:         5
Strength:     14
Stress:       15
Wisdom:       14
Rogue (Level 12)
Identify Item    23%
Pick Lock        54%
Pick Pocket      42%
Detect Trap      32%
Make Trap        10%
Neutralize Trap   8%
Set Trap         66%
Wizard (Level 9)
Big Chill         10%
Complete Darkness 56%
Energy Arrow      58%
Silent Area       64%
Whirl Wind        68%
Area Knowledge      29%
Build Fire          29%
Cook                70%
Town Lore            7%
Tracking            92%
Wilderness Survival 17%
Potion of Sleeping (Slow-Acting)
Rope (2 Sets)
Small Bag