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New Magical Items and New Witch Spells

As we started a new campaign, the players has some interesting ideas. The ideas spawn into two new magical items and three new witch spells. I'm sure more ideas are going to come into fruition. For now, the following are the new content in Cyno's Fantasy.

One player came up with Genie Blowpipe and Nimble Fighting Ring. The former is a blowpipe with unlimited magical darts. The second increases the character's actions per turn.

The witch spells collection has increased with these three new spells: 1) Magic Crow; 2) Stone Stare; 3) Stone Touch. The first magic spell allows the caster to spawn crow familiars. The other two spells allow the casters to create stone objects. I'm sure they will bring twists and turns in your campaigns.

Fri, 15 May 2020 23:52:58 -0700

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