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Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures at Target

Several months ago, at the local Target retail store, I walked by the check out isles and, shockingly, saw pre-painted Dungeons & Dragons miniatures. They came in packs of three miniatures. I was very tempted to get some, but I resisted the urge.

More recently, I went to Target again. And I just couldn't resist this time. With my daughter and son in the shopping cart, I stopped by the miniatures and asked them whether they wanted some. They said, "yes". So I asked them to each pick a pack. At three and two years old, they know "pretend", but they don't know anything about role-playing. But they still had fun carrying the miniatures all over the house

Already, the six miniature characters are running loose around the house. I managed to find one of the six characters--a wizard--to shoot some action photos. Attached below is the action photo of a wizard that came out of the Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook Heroes Miniatures - Series 2 - Divine Characters 3 package.

The miniatures are molded out of hard rubber plastic. So the staff and hands bend, but don't break off. It's rather nice to have resilient RPG miniatures that doesn't break. The painting is also quite detailed with eyes in the sockets and highlights and washes in the folds. I'm quite pleased with this purchase, as my kids can have fun immediately without me painting them for hours. Plus, they don't break.

Looking forward to finding the other five characters that are running around. I want to get them in action shots to share with you.

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Chieh Cheng
Sat, 19 Mar 2011 23:59:18 -0700

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Title: The Encounter
Weblog: Quest RPG
Excerpt: I've gotten excited about shooting miniatures in action again today after seeing my kids playing with the Dungeons & Dragons miniatures we got at Target. I decided to share one of my favorite miniature action photos with you. In the action photo below, the sexy Amazon warrior is ready to strike at t . . .
Tracked: Sun, 20 Mar 2011 00:12:05 -0700

Title: The Masked Sorcerer
Weblog: Quest RPG
Excerpt: I happened to come across another pre-painted Dungeons & Dragons miniature that is running loose in my house. This one is the masked sorcerer from the D&D Dungeon and Dragons Player's Handbook Heroes Miniatures Arcane Characters 3 package. She is captured in the action photo below.
Tracked: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 00:37:53 -0700

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