Episode 438: Kingdom

The leprechaun does a little Irish jig, flaps his long coat, and explodes into smoke. When the smoke clears instead of a forest you see a huge kingdom with a bunch of golden stuff on it. You have a pretty wife named Helena.

Helena reminds you of a mysterious manta ray. She has slanted eyes the color of fine silver. When she smiles, she's cute as a button. Her silky, straight, yellow hair is short and is worn in an utilitarian style. She has a voluptuous build. Her skin is dark. She has long- fingered hands and small feet. Her wardrobe is sexy, with a lot of red and violet.

Over by the side of a castle, an epic red Dragon is perched on an elevated log. He wears a collar and has a tag with "Rufus" scratched into it. You lift off your helmet and instead of your gay flowing blond hair, you are greeted by amazing good looks and spiky Brown hair. You have EVERYTHING, you even outsmarted the leprechaun!


The end. Start over.


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