Episode 444: Mountain Raiders

You walk stealthy towards the boulders and the voices get louder. You stop for a little to hear what they are saying. They are talking in a very strange language. You keep advancing and accidentally step on a twig. People hiding jump out from behind the boulders. You see that they are mountain raiders.

You take a defensive stance as they come rushing toward you. The first one to reach you thrusts his sword and you easily dodge it. As his body moves pass yours, you stab him in the back. The other five circle you and attack you at once. You drop to the ground quickly and roll out of the way as the attackers collide. When you are back on your feet only one opponent remains. He rushes you screaming a blood chilling war cry. You trade blow after blow with him for 20 minutes. Eventually the attacker collapses from exhaustion. You stand over him. He stares up at you and start speaking in your language.

"Please. If you let me live, my life is yours. I will fight beside you."


Kill him.
Tie him up.
Let him live.


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