Episode 630: A New Fondness for Blood or Is It....

As night turns to day, you build up a body count of 25 raiders, and one horse. Making your way through the camp, you seek only one man- -the leader! You find him hidding in the last room behind a small child. "Ah... so you finely know the truth," he yells towards you...

"You bloody twit!" As you blink you are hit in the back of the head with a rolled up news paper. "How many times have I said to keep your bloody eye's open in my class? Master Kingstown."

Yells a man dressed in a black robe standing just to your right hand side. He resembles the man in black cloak.

"Sorry, sir. He will not do it again." A girl sitting just behind you pleads.

The school teacher lets out a sigh as he walks to the front of the class. "See that your boyfriend doesn't, Miss Pendragon. Or you'll join him in detention."

She slaps your right upper arm. As you slow sit up in your seat, you come to the realizatoin that you are just a student and that everything was just a daydream.

"Ok, now where were we before Mr. Kingstown so rudely interrupted?" The school teacher thought out loud. "Ah. Young Arthur on the reaching maturity has just commited incest unknowingly with his own sister, Margana."

"Ahh... Screw it. I'm going back to sleep..." You thought as you drift into your daydream again.


The end. Start over.


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